Error Messages



Status line shows you the result of the last action taken.



As a result you might expect one of the following messages:


"All licenses are currently in use"

This message means that there are no licenses available and that you will have to wait until at least one license is freed.

When you know that one license is freed, press 'Request' to re-request for a license.
After plug-in usage license is freed after you:

- load another MAX file
- close MAX


"License does not exist"

This is the message you will get upon fresh plug-in installation. You have to hit 'Authorize' button to authorize plug-in first.

"AfterFLICS error"

Some error occurred during license request. Most probably there is a network problem.

What you can do if this happens on Windows:


  1. For a computer with AfterFLICS installed check that AfterFLICS service is running. On Windows XP go to: Start->Settings->Control Panel->Administrative Tools->Services
    Here is what you should see if AfterFLICS is installed properly.


To check the service status you can also run AfterFLICS_tools.exe found in C:\Program Files\AFLICS directory.


  1. Check that license server computer is accessible over the network.


"AfterFLICS error. Please reauthorize plug-in."
Most probably you won't see this error message at all. However, if it does happen, hit 'Authorize' and enter authorization code you have received.
If the old auth code doesn't work the reason is that your User ID has changed (User ID is based on computer hardware). In that case you will have to send a new auth request.

"You are not allowed to use that License Server"
This means that you do not have access to the AfterFLICS Server you are trying to connect to. Access can be granted only if your computer is listed inside AfterFLICS.ini file [Guests] section. This file is located on the AfterFLICS Server computer.
If your computer name is Comp1, then afterFLICS.ini file should look like:






What you can do if this happens on Linux:

For a computer with AfterFLICS installed make sure that AfterFLICS service is running using the following command:
> service AFLICS status

If the service is not running using the command:
> service AFLICS restart